Friday, October 31, 2014

Driving in Malaysia

Okay. Hehe I guess that my blogging mojo is still here ? This shall be a ranting post since it's been a long time since I did one. 

2 nights ago, I thought that I was almost going to get into an accident.
Okay la, just like a minor one. But still, what ever accident is still gonna traumatise me/you/whoever physically and mentally. 

Here's how it went :

I was driving home using LDP at 1 am and then the route I was taking, they had some lane closures like first it's the left side that's closed then after that, approximately 1km after that, the right lane was closed. And when either one lane is closed, the other side is open for drivers to switch lanes. 

Most of the time when I drive, I like to stay at the right side of the lane which is the fast lane since well, I'm always rushing and always being late and I hate being on the slow lane and being slow. (P.s. Screw you fast lane hoggers hehe haha)

But that time, I decided to stay on the left lane because I didn't feel like driving so fast and pressing on the accelerator and burn more petrol (since petrol isn't that cheap anymore) and that night was like a slow night drive alone for me. Plus, I don't know why I thought of death that time as well haha.
And not forgetting, that time of the night, that road, normally people would like to drive fast especially on the right lane. Fast I mean like super fast and I wasn't up for that. 

So, I managed to pass through the first closure which closed on the right lane and I was at the left lane all the time. Then from a distance, I could see that they closed the left lane, so I had to switch to the right lane. Before I could switch lanes, I saw a car coming from the right lane and it was coming fast so I was just stuck in left lane until the place they closed the lane and I had to press the brakes before I collide into anything (it was just the plastic cones and all) and I panicked and I desperately signalled and had to last minute switch lane but that fast car was too fast and ignorant of my situation. 

Luckily, there was a police patrol behind and on the siren and gave that car a warning to give me way before I actually collide into anything. I thought the police was going to stop the car and all but oh well. Everything happened so fast. In seconds. As if the way I described it, it happened real slow but it wasn't. Such a selfish car. I mean I understand if it's like me cutting your queue and all but this is a lane being closed and people had to switch lanes. Where did your sense of humanity go? Are Malaysian drivers really that bad? Err actually yes. And all you care is just driving fast. You want to die young and fast but please do not involve other people. 

Speaking of Malaysian drivers, yes, I admit that I can be a bad driver too haha but it sickens me. It starts from one person who's doing it then the other starts. Hate it when people are tail gating me. I always have that strong urge to just press the brakes out of nowhere because at the end, it's your loss. 

I hate it when people drive expensive and luxury cars and then it means that it gives them the privilege to drive fast and like an arrogant bastard wtf seriously. Actually, there's some cheap cars does that to but still. It's some sort of mentality that we all have plus it is also a fact that expensive and luxury car drivers drive like that. 

Oh, don't get me started about taxi drivers. It is no wonder that people prefer to use uber. Think of yourself and reflect yourself why people prefer uber. Ok, not all taxi drivers are bad but still. Overcharging, not using the meter, dirty and smell seats, rude and drives like an a-hole. 

And to be honest, I don't really like motorcyclist too. They can be annoying at times too haha. Plus, pedestrians who simply cross the road but they think that we drivers know what to do and avoid them.

Lastly, people who cut queues zzzzz plssss. Do you know how to queue? Because of you, there's delays and jam. Selfish. But yeah I'm also guilty for that tho haha. I mean not like I cut queue just because I don't want to queue. No. I won't do that. When I had to switch lanes and turn to somewhere or when I came out from somewhere and there's a long queue all the way back that I had to cut queue so that I can use the route to had to somewhere I'm going. Oh well.

Okay I think that's all I want to rant for now about the drivers here. Bye. 

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